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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

The Real Enemy

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 ESV

Often times in life certain people and situations can really get under our skin:

  1. You know that boss who does not have an ounce of humility…

  2. Or that relative who is always blaming everyone else for their situation in life…

  3. That friend who says they’ll do something but then they don’t…

  4. Or that colleague who always has to have the last word…

  5. That loved one who struggles in living up to their full potential…

And the list can go on, and on…(or maybe it’s just my life, y’all?!?)

It can be so easy to find fault with the person. To become frustrated, angry, and dare I say give them a piece of our minds! And all of these reactions can become even easier when we find ourselves on the receiving end of their less than pleasant actions. But the Bible reminds us that people are not the real source of attack. There’s a spiritual realm at play in our lives, and Satan loves to take our eye off the real enemy so that we become distracted fighting each other instead of him and his minions.

In those moments when you find yourself being tested — whether it’s your patience, your peace, your generosity, your witness, etc. — remember that person isn’t the object of your angst. Instead engage in spiritual warfare and suit up with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-18). Pray for that person, for yourself, for the situation. Speak God’s Word to that situation and let His truth lead your thoughts about that person.

If it’s a financial attack, remind yourself that you’re the head and not the tail, a lender and not a borrower (Deuteronomy 28:12-13). If reconciliation is needed in a broken relationship, say 1 Corinthians 13:3-7 aloud and replace the word “love” with your name and the name of the person to whom reconciliation is needed. Pursue peace and be a blessing to your earthly adversary. Trust that God is working out the situation for your good no matter what things may look like at the moment.


Which situation(s) in my life have I been fighting the wrong way? How do I need to shift my prayer life to reflect a spiritual battle instead? What Scripture(s) can ground me during this battle?


Lord, thank you for reminding me the identity of the real enemy in my life situation(s). Forgive me of the times when I attacked another human.  Grant me discernment to recognize an attack of the enemy and to fight earthly battles Your way. Teach me how to wear Your armor daily and to pray continuously. In Jesus’ name, I pray amen.

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