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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

The Ministry of Presence

Updated: Sep 30, 2019

“And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.” Job 2:13 ESV

The story of Job in the Bible is one that many of us can relate to in our lives. Job was living his life, going day-to-day, when all of a sudden tragedy struck — and in the worst possible way. He lost his livestock, which was how he made his living. He lost his children, all of them instantaneously. And to add insult to injury, he lost his health and had to endure painful sores and boils from his head to his toes. All of these things happened in a pretty quick-time span.

I know what it’s like to go through a Job season in life. If I’m honest, I’m going through one now: unexpected job loss, followed by unexpected heartbreak, followed by unexpected health issues, among many other back-to-back uncomfortable life situations. There have been times when I’ve cried out to God like Job, and there have been times when I’ve consulted loved ones like Job. (And to be clear, I’m still awaiting the glory of God to bestow restoration upon me in every area as He did for Job too! #CueShoutingMusic)

When loved ones know what you’re going through, like Job’s friends, it’s easy to want to help make sense of the situation, to help bring understanding. Later in the story, that’s exactly what Job’s friends attempted to do. In some instances, they provided clarity, and in other instances they were way off the mark contributing to both Job’s peace and his frustration during his ordeal. But at the onset of Job’s tragedy, his friends did something that I’m sure Job would thank them for profusely to this day. They simply sat with him. They let him know that they see him. They see his pain. And that they are there in the thick of it with him. Also, it is important to note that Job was open to letting them into his life during this rough season as well.

Let the actions of Job and his friends be an example to us when the storms of life blow their winds and drop their rain in our orbit. When you’re going through, be vulnerable with those who you know care for you. When your friends are in their storm, be present with them. Let them know you’re there and sit with them while they’re in the midst of their struggles. They may not have the words to say thank you in the moment, but I guarantee you they will never forget the moment that you sat in sorrow with them.


Who needs your loving presence today? What can you do to show your support of them? How can you be present with them during these trying times? Who do you need to be vulnerable with and invite into your stormy season of life?


Lord, thank you for fellowship and that I do not have to go through the trying times of life alone. Forgive me of the times when I prevented the fellowship of others to minister to my soul. Show me how to be a blessing to those who are in a trying season. Help me to receive the comfort of Your Holy Spirit and friends too. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

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