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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

The Common Good

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 NIV

Sometimes the circumstances of life can take us away from ourselves. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, an unexpected illness, a financial downturn, the end of a relationship, or something else, the disappointments in life can stagnate the expression of our true self.

In Romans 12 the apostle Paul names that God has given each of us gifts. There are tests that can help us understand our spiritual gifts. Author Parker J. Palmer in his book Let Your Life Speak, suggests thinking back to the things we enjoyed and did from ages three to ten, before the world began to shape us, can help us identify our gifts and calling. Prayer is also a great starting point to understand our gifts.

As far as I can remember I have always had a gift of hospitality. As a young child I always wanted to have friends over and ensure they were having a good time. This also carried over into my teenage years and even through my early thirties.

Then I had a series of life events that shook me to my core. I retreated into a shell. Perhaps out of self-protection? Depression? Humans - bleh! That was my mentality. The thing is though our gifts are neither for our glory nor our benefit. In fact our gifts are not about us at all.

The Bible records “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”

(1 Corinthians 12:7 ESV) The. Common. Good. You see whatever gifts God has deposited in you aren't for you alone. They aren't mood dependent. They are manifestations of the Holy Spirit to be used for the benefit and interests of all humans. Err’body!

The enemy desires to thwart the will of God in both big and small ways. Don't let him succeed by allowing the circumstances of life stop you from using the gifts God gave you. They were given to you for a reason because you are “his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that you [we] should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10 ESV). Ask God to reveal your gifts and how you can use them in this season of life for the common good.


What gifts has God given me? Am I using them for the common good? Myself? Or only those that I like? How can I ensure that I'm always using the gifts God gave me no matter what's going on around me?


Lord, thank you for gifts. Forgive me for not using them for the common good. Reveal to me what they are and how to use them no matter my mood or life circumstances. I want to honor You with all that you've entrusted to me. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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1 Comment
Dec 16, 2020

Great post! Sometimes I wish I could have the gifts that others have but if God wanted me to have them, I guess I would have been born with them.

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