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Writer's pictureKayla Morse Higgs


“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” -1 Samuel 7:12 NIV

Last month, my husband and I took a small vacation to Martha’s Vineyard. It was a much needed break from the busyness of working from home. We spent the week lounging on beaches, reading, sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, laughing over ice cream cones and talking over delicious meals. Ultimately, we spent the time reflecting on our first months of marriage, making new memories, and envisioning our next endeavors as a couple. It was soul nourishing. When we boarded the ferry to return back to the mainland, my husband rushed to get us a “good seat” on the boat.

Once we settled in our seats, overlooking the ocean, still catching whiffs of salty water, I deeply inhaled thinking about what responsibilities, tasks, and to-dos lie ahead of us. As we started to move, I realized we were actually sitting backwards. Although our seats were facing the ocean towards what we were leaving, the boat was moving in the opposite direction towards the mainland. I wondered to myself, “Why are the seats facing this way, if this is not the direction we’re moving?” Then, God whispered so lovingly to me, “So that you can remember.”

That whisper was so comforting, because oftentimes we take a moment to bask in times of joy, peace, and contentment, but shortly thereafter it seems our to-do lists, our worries, and our doubts consume our minds. How many times have we convinced ourselves that we must eagerly look ahead to the daunting challenges and responsibilities that are before us? That we must do, grind, take action, and make things happen to ensure success? Have we considered that remembering is the important first step. When we are adamant about doing in our own strength, we are raising up an idol of our own power. Remembering that God is the one that helps us, that keeps us, and provides us with the grace to take on the challenges, we are magnifying His power as Ebenezer, the stone of our help.

In this verse, Samuel witnessed the Israelites suffer defeat after defeat, much because they had resurrected idols of their own making. When God helped them by releasing a thunderous sound, confusing the Philistines, the Israelites were able to prevail. It was then that Samuel took a stone and named it Ebenezer, so that it could be a visible reminder to the Israelites that only God has helped them thus far. Not their might, not their smarts, not their actions. Actually, in spite of their might, their smarts, and their actions, God extended His gracious help. This is what is worth remembering; His help comes in the midst of whatever and wherever we find ourselves, so we must do our part to name, commemorate, memorialize, and remember Him as the Helper.


Just as we create weekly to-do lists, reflect and write down how God has been your helper to this point. How has He helped you to gain success? How has He helped you in the midst of defeat, turmoil, and confusion? How has He helped you in heartbreak and in brokenness? How has He helped you on your job? In complex relationships?

Don’t spare any one moment that God has proven to be an Ebenezer in your life. Jot down at least five examples. Each of these “stones” will build an altar of His great power, reminding us of His massive greatness and our mere humanness. Choose an object in your home that will be your Ebenezer; that you will see each day that will prompt you to praise God aloud for His specific help in your life.


Father God, we magnify Your mighty name and Your unlimited capacity to help us in our place of need. We repent of the times that we have made our works, our talent, and our intellect idols, believing they are what helps us to succeed. We now proclaim that it is YOU that gives us a supernatural help to accomplish all that we do. We commemorate how You have helped us to this point, big and small. For it is through Your loving grace, and Your unconditional commitment to us that we thrive, not through our futile humanly works. Help us to put faith in Your all knowing power, not in what we can do with our earthly hands. I magnify You and not my own strength. I destroy that idol of myself that I have built and polished over time and in its place I build an altar honoring Your abundant goodness, Your forgiving grace, Your unconditional love for me in spite of me. Thank you, Father God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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