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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

Persistent Faith

“She was deeply distressed and prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly.” 1 Samuel 1:10 ESV

I am a big Disney fanatic! In fact, I used to be the reigning champ of Disney Scene It until a coworker beat me earlier this summer. With the release of Disney+ yesterday, I found myself overwhelmed with options. I decided to watch a movie I had never seen before: Tangled which is an animated version of the classic Rapunzel. Watching the movie reminded me of a faith principle and the story of Hannah in the Bible.

Like Rapunzel, Hannah had a dream for years that was not happening in real life. Rapunzel wanted to leave her tower. Hannah wanted to conceive a child (1 Samuel 1:2). Rapunzel pleaded with the witch that captured her. Hannah pleaded with God to open her womb (1 Samuel 1:10-13). Rapunzel eventually escaped the tower. Hannah eventually gave birth to six children (1 Samuel 1:20, 2:21).

Persistent faith. That’s the commonality between Rapunzel and Hannah. Neither one of them gave up on the dream that was in their heart and they both repeatedly asked the one who could change their situation. Too many of us have a dream in our heart or a Word from the Lord like Hannah received (1 Samuel 1:17) and because it’s not happening in our time frame, we give up. We talk ourselves out of believing and say “maybe I misheard” or “there’s no way that could be for me, the doctor said…” or “my boss told me…” Too often we let human words outweigh the Word of God.

I don’t know what it is that you’re waiting on God to do in your life. Today, I can only encourage you to not give up. Don’t stop believing, and don’t stop asking God. The concept of persistence stands the test of time in both the Old Testament like Hannah and the New Testament like the widow who “pestered” the judge daily (Luke 18:1-8). Jesus ends the story of the widow asking the disciples in verse 8, “when I return will I see faith on this earth?” More than just a belief that the thing will occur, faith requires action. This action includes continuous prayer and conversation with our Heavenly Father.


What am I trusting God for? Am I continuously praying about the matter? What has caused my faith to wane? How can I be persistent in my request(s) to God?


Lord, thank you for the power of prayer. Forgive me for not being persistent in my petitions. Reignite my faith and increase my desire to pray consistently. Show me how I can demonstrate my faith in action. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

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Nov 13, 2019

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