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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

Our Advantage

“The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.” Psalms 25:14 ESV

In any relationship, whether professional, familial, romantic, platonic, there are advantages. Parents and guardians often care for us when we’re younger. Colleagues and friends provide much needed support and advice as we get older. Family members help us cultivate every fruit of the spirit — coaxing us to be more patient, kind, and loving!

And yet, the relationship in our lives that provides us the most benefits and the best advantage is our relationship with God. Abraham is one of the earliest Bible characters we meet, and he is credited as being a friend of God. (James 2:23, Isaiah 41:8) Some of us know the story of Abraham. He was generally obedient to God, could discern His voice, trusted God, and repented of his sins. As a result of knowing God, Abraham became the father of the Israelites fulfilling the covenant God made with him.

The good news is that we too can have that same friendship with God and all its advantages. When we draw nearer to God, by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, worship, or quiet time He draws nearer to us and reveals His plans. This psalm reminds us that God reveals His will to his friends in the same way we would share our plans with loved ones. This is a huge advantage for us that sets us apart and sets us up for experiencing all God has for us.

Are you in need of direction? Do you desire to learn more about God’s plan for your life? If so, invest in spending time with God like you would any other relationship, and watch Him show you what He’s up to!


What can I do to spend more time with God? Are there distractions that I can eliminate to prioritize Him? In which areas of my life do I want to hear from God? What spiritual disciplines can I practice to draw closer to Him?


Lord, thank you for our friendship and the advantage of knowing You. Please forgive me of the times I failed to invest in our relationship. Reveal to me what I can do to spend more time with You so I can maximize my understanding of Your plans for my life. I want to know Your will and what You would have me to do. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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