“Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8b ESV
Growing up, my mother used to always tell me that actions speak louder than words. She shared this with me not only for how I should conduct myself, but also for guidance in platonic and romantic relationships. Last week we reflected on prayer as a way of demonstrating our faith. Other actions such as our mood, mindset, and motions show faith as well.
For too many of us, we think the time to demonstrate our belief that God’s promises will come true is when it actually happens. We tell ourselves “once I get my spouse, then I will love and forgive unconditionally” Or maybe “when I get that new job and make more money, I’ll begin to tithe and do more charity.” Perhaps “once I am a parent, I will volunteer and spend time with children.” The truth is our actions now let God know if we’re ready for what He promised as explained in the parable of the talents: “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew 25:21)
Throughout the Bible, the recipients of God’s promises took action steps before the promises came to pass to show their faith on the earth:
Mindset: Noah did not wait for the rain and then build the ark. He took God at His Word and built the ark in anticipation of the promise despite the ridicule and disbelief from his community. (Genesis 5:32-10:1)
Mood: David praised God in advance while he was still on the run and before he found safety and became King. (1 Samuel 22, Psalm 52)
Motions: Peter had to actually take his foot and put it over the side of the boat to walk on water. Jesus did not teleport him. (Matthew 14:27-33)
I have a friend who is believing in the promise of motherhood, so they volunteer in the children’s ministry at church in preparation. Another friend is trusting God for a partner and family so they became a foster parent in the waiting period. Another friend is trusting God to grow their business so they’ve shifted their mindset and changed their personal money habits in anticipation of the business being successful.
In each of these examples, they did things that were aligned to the promise. Similarly, if we’re truly believing God for a promise He made, our mood, mindset, and motions must reflect belief in that promise. Waiting until it happens, is not demonstrating faith.
What am I waiting for God to do in my life and those around me? How do my mindset, mood, and motions reflect God’s promise(s) to me? What would it take for me to demonstrate my trust in Him and show faith on the earth?
Lord, thank you for being trustworthy. Forgive me for not living now like Your promises are already done in my life. Help me to prepare for what You have promised me. Grant me the faith to believe that You will and let my mindset, mood, and motions reflect this belief. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Photo by Rachel Pfuetzner on Unsplash