“But Balaam answered and said to the servants of Balak, ‘Though Balak were to give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the command of the Lord my God to do less or more.’” Numbers 22:18 ESV
Aren’t you glad that humans are not God? I mean, just think about it. Consider our elected officials and how they say one thing one day, and then change their mind the next day. There are so many benefits to being in a loving relationship with God. One of the many is that God is faithful. He keeps his promises and whatever He says will happen comes to pass. In fact the Bible says in Numbers 23:19 that “God is not a man that he should lie.” It’s pretty much a 100% guarantee on whatever He says.
Many people throughout the Bible experienced God’s faithfulness. Let’s take the Israelites for example. God promised that he would bring them into the Promised Land. Along the way, they encountered so many haters and adversaries. From Pharaoh pursuing them after their release, to other nations warring with them when they tried to overtake the land, and even people who were just fearful of their numbers.
That’s where we find Balak, King of the Moabites, a rival nation to the Israelites. Israel hadn’t even attacked but Balak heard what they were capable of (thanks to God’s strength!) and tried to stop them before they became a threat. Specifically, he asked Balaam, a prophet, to curse the Israelites. Balaam accepted the payment of Balak and tried to curse the Israelites three times, and FAILED every single time. The Lord instead only put blessings of the Israelites into Balaam’s mouth, so instead of Balak paying for three curses of the Israelites, he paid to bless the Israelites three times.
Wow! Look at God. I don’t know what situations you may be facing right now. Or what the Lord may have promised you and told you would happen, but it seems like nothing is working in your favor. Just know that if God said it, it will come to pass. He’ll even use people that seem like roadblocks to bring His promise to pass. As you’re waiting for God, remind yourself of all He’s already done in your life and that He’s never failed you yet.
What ways has God already proven Himself faithful in my life? What Biblical reminders can I leverage to encourage me while I wait? Are there ways I can remind myself of God’s promise(s) so I don’t lose hope?
Lord, thank you for being honest, faithful, and true. Forgive me for doubting you and not taking you at Your word. Thank you for always bringing your promises to pass. Help me to trust what You said and not what I see. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Photo by antonio ochoa on Unsplash