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Writer's pictureKimberly R. Howard

God Hears Us

“However, if I were you, I would appeal to God and would present my case to him. He does great and unsearchable things , wonders without number.” Job 5:8-9 CSB

At the top of the year my pastor invited my church congregation to attend weekly bible study. He declared that we would become a people that understands God’s word for ourselves and not solely reliant on the teachings from him during the Sunday worship experience. He said that we would be covering the Bible from start to finish beginning in the book of Genesis. Now, it didn’t much matter where the study would start because in under 5 minutes I told myself and tried to tell God that I would not be going anyway! I declared that my long work day, NYC commute and stresses of life were just TOO MUCH for me to give 1 hour per week to better understand the history, teachings and messages of hope provided by the document for which my faith practice is anchored (I know, I play too much and took it too far). I’m SO GLAD that the Lord had other plans for me!

That was in January. Despite my reservations of giving up my time (I know, MY time...again playing way too if my time is not God’s time...ANYWAY...more ground to cover); that first session I was there and have been going ever since. The stresses of life did not stop but that anchoring I mentioned earlier kept me steady. What I found in weekly bible study became more than necessary when COVID-19 hit. Whew! What a doozy?! Bible study did not stop. We kept going through the books of the Bible, until most recently, when my pastor yet again flipped the script and said let's jump some books ahead. Of course, here I go again with my reservations about how I want to study as if God has not shown me time and time again that it is not about me but rather what He would have for me to learn and how He would have me to learn it. In obedience, I joined my pastor and church family in exploring the book of Job. Here we find the timeless story of how Job faces all matters of hurt, grief, disappointment...I mean loss like no other and confusion; but still decides to put his faith in God.

Job talked with his friends, trying to sort out all that he had been experiencing. In Job 5:8, Job’s friend Eliphaz gives Job some advice that rang true for me. “...if I were you I would appeal to God and would present my case to him...”(Job 5:8-9 CSB) Now, of course, there was more before and after that statement regarding Job’s circumstance. But, when I read that, I thought how awesome it is, that no matter what I or we are going through we can appeal to God?! We can present our case to The One that can really do something to alter the outcome.

I have been reminded that with the stresses of life coming our way, the covid, loss, confusion, all the things that can sometimes make us believe that we don’t have time to give to the one whose timetable we are actually on doesn’t stand a chance against the power of God. I mean “...he can do great and unsearchable things..” (Job 5:8-9 CSB). I’m reminded that even after the covid quarantine time is over, when things go back to “normal”, when time seems to be moving faster; there is nothing that we can’t go to God with because GOD HEARS US!


What are the things I want or need to bring to God? Where in the Bible can I find examples of others who have gone to God to appeal and make their case known?


Lord, help me to let go of my understanding of time and stressful circumstances. Help me to come to You to lay down the stresses of life. Help me to seek humility as I appeal to You, knowing that not only can You hear me but You can help me. I believe You for all these things. In Jesus name, Amen.

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