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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley

Do You Hear Him?

Updated: Sep 30, 2019

For God does speak —now one way, now another —  though no one perceives it. Job 33:14 NIV

So many believers yearn to hear the voice of God. Some anticipate a loud audible voice, others look out for a small still whisper. And many more believers are lost when it comes to discerning God’s voice. The good news is that God is always speaking.

He loves us so much that He wants us to know what He has in store for us, and He gives us steps to take along the way to fulfill His will in His way. The problem is too many of us don’t know how to understand what it is God is saying. Whether it’s distractions including the busyness of life, sin, or a lack of obedience, all of these things prevent our ability to hear from God. This is why God says that we often don’t perceive Him.

Thankfully, there’s hope! The Bible reveals various ways the Lord speaks to us. Here are some of the ways God speaks to His children:

  1. Bible (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12): Because God’s Word is alive and true, reading the Bible provides much opportunity to hear from God. As you’re reading, a Bible verse or story may stick out to you and speak directly to your situation in life or an aspect of your character God wants to change.

  2. Circumstances (2 Samuel 12:7-15): Often God will use other people or life events to communicate with us. Whether a stranger or loved one says something that resonates with what we’re experiencing, or a sequence of events may occur in our lives illustrating a God-incidence (not a coincidence). Pay attention to what you prayed about or what you may be contemplating, and how circumstances are moving around you. God may be trying to tell you something.

  3. Holy Spirit (John 14:26): The Holy Spirit is with us always and He often speaks to us to reveal God’s thoughts and His plan for our lives. This communication can come in the form of a small still voice or a thought that is Biblically aligned, and not something we would normally consider.

  4. Prayer (Luke 22:42-46, Jeremiah 33:3): Even Jesus cried out to God in prayer to avoid crucifixion. While God did not respond to Jesus directly, He sent an angel and Jesus’ perspective changed through prayer signaling a shift in thought from when He first started praying. Prayer is a two-way conversation. While you’re pouring out your cares to God, He is likely responding. Perhaps, someone comes to mind in your prayer time – that could be God telling you to pray for that person or to seek their advice. Or in your prayer time, the thought comes to you to do something that is aligned to God’s Word, but it seems out of character for your humanity. That’s likely God speaking to you and prompting you to act.

  5. Visions & Dreams (Acts 9:10, Acts 10:1-11, Genesis 37:9): There are many examples in the Old and New Testaments where God speaks to His people through visions and dreams. If you sense God speaks to you in this manner, keep a record of your dreams and note anything of significance that may happen in your waking life that correlates to your dream/vision.

Hearing God’s voice can be very tricky business, especially since the Bible is clear that we have an enemy lurking and always trying to trip us up and confuse us. (1 Peter 5:8) Obeying God by avoiding sin and seeking wise-Godly counsel to confirm can help to ensure that you’re discerning God accurately.


What method of communication do you think God uses most often with you? Are there times in your life when you can say God spoke to you? Why or why not? What areas of your life reflect disobedience to God that are clogging up your ability to hear from Him clearly?


Lord, thank you for loving me enough to communicate with me regularly. Forgive me of the times I cluttered my life with distractions and disobedience making it harder to hear from You. Help me to keep a watchful eye and grant me greater sensitivity to how You are communicating to me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Want to learn more about hearing God’s voice and applying it to your everyday life? Register for our virtual class on Discerning the Voice of God here. We’ll fellowship with one another and explore Priscilla Shirer’s text Tuesdays 7:30-8:30pm ET beginning January 29, 2019.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

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