“There is a time for everything...He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 11a
Last week, we reflected on the intentionality of God’s plans for our lives molding us into His precious masterpiece. He is always working around us even if we may feel like our life is at a standstill, or seemingly in “wash-rinse-repeat” mode – our own personal Groundhog Day! It may feel as if God has revealed something to us or we have a glimpse about His plans but they aren’t happening on our timeline...whether too slow or too fast!
This reminds me of Joseph whom God gave a dream that he would be a ruler even over his own parents. Joseph’s brothers were quite envious of him. They threw him in a pit, he was captured into slavery, falsely accused of rape, thrown into prison, and then his dream came to pass over 20 years later. (Genesis 37-50)
Not every dream from the Lord takes years before fulfillment. When Ananias received a dream that Saul, persecutor of the modern church, was in town and he was to go to him and return his sight, the entire fulfillment of God’s plan to convert Saul the persecutor into Paul the preacher came to fruition in a matter of days. (Acts 9:1-19)
Whether one day or multiple decades, certain things had to take place in order to prepare both Joseph, Saul/Paul, and Ananias for the day. Because we are God’s masterpieces, He carefully orchestrates the things that need to occur in our life for us to be ready for His promises. Leaving nothing to chance, He is equally deliberate about the timing of both preparation and fulfillment in our lives.
Do you think Paul would have been able to defend the church and advocate for Christ as zealously without having spent years studying under a Pharisee doctor of the law? (Acts 22:3) Or that Joseph would be able to lead with the utmost humility or the same measure of compassion had he not been a slave and in prison? What about Ananias who may or may not have heard God’s voice before? – but learned somewhere along the way that despite his hesitation, he should obey God promptly.
Sometimes we think we know the best time for certain events to occur in our life: a promotion, a marriage, a home purchase, a reconciled relationship, recognition, complete fulfillment of our purpose, financial freedom and the list goes on. Our job is to neither try to hurry things up nor slow down the pace to our liking, but rather get into rhythm with the move of God.
In order to experience God’s deliberate timing, we need to walk closely with Him; pay attention to the circumstances around us: the things we may hear strangers or loved ones say who have limited or no knowledge of our situation, a sermon we hear or a song that drops into our heart; be mindful of our prayers and any responses; and of course stay in God’s Word reading the Bible where everything is confirmed.
God’s timing in our lives is so purposeful. So intentional. So deliberate. Whatever you might be waiting on or nervous to delve into since hearing from God, don’t try to control the pace. Seek His wisdom and trust His pace knowing that He makes everything, including us and His plans, beautiful at the appropriate time.
What dreams has God given me? Am I wanting them to happen sooner? Or am I trying to delay implementation? What steps can I take to get into rhythm with God and identify His pace?
Lord, thank you for vision. Forgive me for trying to control the pace. Help me to recognize that You are in control and working to make all things beautiful, including me in time. Let me not be afraid if You want me to move now. Let me not grow impatient if there’s more waiting and preparation in store for me. Grant me discernment and wisdom so I can get into rhythm with You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Photo by jana müller on Unsplash