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Writer's pictureBrandy Fluker Oakley


“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV

I have to be honest, y’all — I’m in one of those seasons of life where I’m 90% content, but also eagerly anticipating my next thing. And if I’m honest, 90% contentment is on a good day…certainly not every day!  Not even close…

Last month, one of my sorority sisters reached out to me to complete a gratitude challenge with her and others for the month of June. I excitedly said yes because I know it’s been said that an attitude of gratitude pays dividends. (Psalm 107:8-9) Meanwhile on day 2 of the challenge, I was making my way to church thinking about not only my desire for more but my perceived readiness for more. I couldn’t understand why my more wasn’t here.

Your more and my more might not be the same. Your more could be a job. It could be parenthood, marriage, or a better way to spend your free time. Your more may be developing stronger character, a stronger dose of patience, or even joy. Whatever your more is, know that the best pathway to get there is to get closer to God.

The pastor in Sunday’s service reminded me of what Jesus said so simply in Matthew to “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Talk about a moment when you know God is speaking directly to you! Truth be told, we often seek our kingdom, the values of this world, and our own righteousness more than the Lord. If you’re in a season of more, the best path to achieving it is to spend more time with God. Spend time in His Presence, in worship, in prayer, in praise, in quiet time, in reflection, in His Word. By pressing your way into God and doing the things He called you to do, your more will arrive according to His will and His timing.


What more am I waiting for in my life? Have I truly prioritized my relationship with God? What can I do to spend more time seeking Him?


Lord, thank you for being all the more that I need. Forgive me for pursuing the things of this world more than You. Thank you for being so good that You will give me You and more! Help me to focus on the things of You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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